Ayiti Images is back with its 3rd edition of independent films with its focus on HAITI! Our next screening and Q&A session is a documentary film entitled Storming Papa Doc.  Mark your Calendars - February 3rd-7th 

Who is Mario L. Delatour?

The film business has been a big part of Mario Delatour's life. Born in Caracas Venezuela to Haitian parents on September 26th 1955, Delatour's career has taken him to nearly 30 countries. 

When he's not freelancing with major media companies covering stories in Haiti or working with NGO's on publicity kits, Mario is writing stories about his heritage. One of his most acclaimed documentaries is Un Certain Bord de Mer, (An Unwelcome Lot) a work that chronicled Arab emigration to Haiti in the latter part of the 19th century. 

In the aftermath of  Haiti's devastating earthquake on January12th 2010, Delatour wrote and directed 35 long seconds: Haiti's Deadly Earthquake, a 20-minute film which laid bare the catastrophic destruction of the nation's capital Port-au-Prince. The Smithsonian in Washington D.C ran the film as part of an exhibit on Haiti's dreadful earthquake. 

Meet Mario in February after each screening of STORMING PAPA DOC.  

Storming Papa Doc (English Trailer). A Film By Mario L. Delatour

Synopsis - 
Storming Papa Doc, the English title of this historical reenactment set on on July 28th, 1958, tells the story of ex-army officers from Haiti who are exiled out of the country to Florida, USA only to return with a vengeance to overthrow Haitian President, Dr. Francois Duvalier. Created in animation and intercut with interviews of friends and family members of the brigade, the film explores the interesting lives of each member. Portraying a time capsule of Haiti in the 1940's and Florida as a temporary incubator, this artistic film seeks to chronicle what could have been one of the most successful military operations in Haitian history, the removal of the most notorious dictator's of the 20th century.