Haitian New Year - Soup Joumou

On January 12 2010, more than 300,000 Haitians died in less than 35 seconds... On January 1st 2011, every Haitian household, whether in a permanent home or under a tent, will be making, drinking, and sharing some Soup Joumou. It is a symbol of our strength... Haiti will survive!

It is not a coincidence that "Soup Joumou" is consumed in every Haitian household all over the world on January 1st of every year.

This symbol is the last symbol of unity and freedom we have left. 

  • We make Soup Joumou every New Year...
  • We eat Soup Joumou every New Year...
  • We share Soup Joumou every New Year...
  • We do it EVERY JANUARY 1st of every New Year in order to remember our past, our struggle for FREEDOM, and our ongoing fight to remain free.


What better way to celebrate the New Year than with the very soup that we were not allowed to drink as slaves?

The most important New Year Celebration in Haitians history is New Year's Day, January 1, 1804.

We fought for nearly thirteen years before this day so that we could initiate this symbol of freedomfor ALL slaves ALL over the world.

Before 1804, A Haitian slave was NOT allowed to touch Joumou, a delicious and aromatic pumpkin that was a favorite for her white French master.

Haitian Slave Diet: He/She was to eat one ounce of salted meat or fish and one bottle of lemonade per day.

When our ancestors finally kicked the French out of the island, The Party was on!

We fought the French and we won!

(source) http://www.haitianinternet.com/articles/soup-joumou-haitian-soup-of-freedom.html