The music of rara object of study in UEH

With the support of Knowledge and Freedom Foundation (FOKAL), the Association Caracoli proposes a series of activities on the music of rara in partnership with the History Masters program, Memory and Heritage of the Institute of African Studies and Research Haiti (IERAH-ISERSS) of the State University of Haiti (UEH) aimed at put music rara at the heart of Haitian cultural events.

The "Men rara· project brings together various stakeholders of Haitian cultural world to deepen formal knowledge of the music of rara, participating in its diffusion and produce a current musical work.

Friday, December 5, a one-day seminar will bring together diverse human resources around the question of rara music, in its formal aspect. Twenty people, academics, experts, artists, tradition bearers, will meet to identify key features of the music of rara under the rhythmic, melodic and harmonic aspects, historical contributions that are constitutive to them, the organological specificities, regional variations as well as the research paths to follow.
This is the first time that UEH pay particular attention to the music of rara, considered not only as an object of entertainment, but also as an object of study.

The day will be hosted by Ronald Joseph Dautruche, professor at the UEH, Doctor of Ethnology and heritage, which has produced several publications on the rara.
